Sunday, March 9, 2008

Three cheers for the GPS

Has anyone been in a taxi lately? A taxi that uses that fancy Global Positioning System (GPS). I was on my way home from Melbourne last week. Normally when I catch a taxi from the airport I am met with a growl. A trip from the airport to Marrickville is only a $20 cab fare. Honestly why would I travel on train when it costs $12 and takes twice the time?

This time, I was not met with a growl but with confusion. The poor taxi driver did not know where Marrickville was.

“Don’t worry I will use the GPS,” he said to me with a smile.

After punching in some details on a hand held gizmo we were off.

A voice from the gizmo said:

“At two hundred metres prepare to turn left. At one hundred metres turn left”

“At two hundred metres turn right. At one hundred metres turn right”

And so it went on. In no time, I saw the familiar Sydenham station. And I knew we were home. Once the Taxi drove down Marrickville Rd, the voice became a bit crazy.

My instructions were contrary to what was dialled into the GPS handset and so for the last few minutes of the journey we received a barrage of instructions “prepare to turn back. In one hundred metres prepare to turn back” And so it went on.

Still I arrived safe and sound and this time didn’t have to suffer the cab pulling over, while looking at the map or the grumpy silence.

The last time a taxi driver couldn’t take me home, I just jumped out and ran. But you can read all about that in

Three cheers for the GPS.

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