Sunday, February 10, 2008

Night of the old farts

Old people watch Died Pretty - Taras pumps the air

The last time I saw Ed Kuepper team up with Died Pretty was at The Metro. The sheer brilliance of their music had us on our feet all night. I was looking forward to revisiting my twenties as I booked the duo for a night out at The Enmore Theatre

As we held our cans of VB we didn’t have to wait long for Ed to come on stage. He was wearing spectacles. Nevertheless he still had the sexpot in him as he sang from his various masterpieces including Today Wonder and Honey Steel’s Gold.
Sam had never heard his music but by the end of his set, Ed had scored a new fan. I loved every minute of Ed on stage although I wished I could have stood and swayed to his music, instead of sitting down on the theatre chairs.

At least these Hunter Valley chaps were up and dancing

When Died Pretty came on, I immediately leapt from my chair. It was the right thing to do. Then a lady my age tapped on my shoulder. “Can you please dance in the aisle”?

As Ron Peno blasted Godbless, the vast majority of people remained in their seats. But I didn’t care; I was now in the aisle with Taras, Sam and two nice gentlemen from the Hunter Valley. I wonder if Peno and the boys felt my frustration.

Although most of my fellow punters seem to have had a sober experience, I had a fabulous night.

I may be heading into my forties but at least I don’t need a seat to go to a Died Pretty concert.

Post-conference Sam and I met this nice chap.

Taras took the Hunter Valley Boys to the Sly Fox. "We've never seen anything like this on the main street of Cessnock," they told him

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