Sunday, January 20, 2008

When the cops come a calling...

Incident! Last night my friend Jade sat down to a cuppa and one hour’s viewing of the very good and tantalising three part series on the ABC, The Line of Beauty. Being a fan of the book, I enjoyed Alan Hollinghurst’s take on the life of English toffs during the time of Thatcher. The story also centres around a gay chap by the name of Nick Guest. The book was especially explicit in its gay sex scenes, The TV series no different.

Clad in her Peter Alexander pyjamas, Jade was enjoying the movie over a cuppa of chilli hot chocolate (from Byron Bay).

A knock on the door interrupted her telly viewing.

It was the Marrickville cops.

A woman had her handbag snatched outside her block of units and they wanted to know if she heard anything.

Just as Jade was about to answer, the grunts of men could be heard from her telly. As she fumbled for words the grunts continued. The cops remained poker faced as she told them she had not heard anything. Finally the sounds of deep male sigh silenced the grunts.

There is a saying that a girl should always wear nice undies in case she is ever run over by a bus.

Well in our crime ridden suburb, there is always the opportunity for the cops to come a calling. Just make sure you have your Peter Alexanders (I actually have a nice pair of Leona Edmiston) on and the TV sound hushed.

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