Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cats of Marrickville

This is Sid. He likes to beat up on the other felines

While this sweetie is looked after by the copper dogs

This is my girl Majella

Majella's next door neighbour

This is Mila, ok she's from Camperdown but that's close enough

This is Milsha. She leads a somewhat charmed life

This chap likes to crap in front of my neighbour's door


juli said...

me_ow! will take some of Milshas neighbors this weekend... they often come and peek in our windows looking for her

Fran Carleton said...

love the pictures, but love the captions more...

...this one like to crap...


rainbow said...

I have a pic I can add to this - taken just yesterday on our way to Post Cafe...will email.