Thursday, November 8, 2007

Pete to the Rescue

Renovation Pete at another rescue

The other day, my oven stopped working. Who did I call? Renovation Pete of course.

The very next day Pete turned up with his Rolex watch and spanner.

His first task was to turn the power off, which meant I needed keys to the electricity room. Luckily my lovely neighbour Margaret was home and she gladly opened up the room for us.

The room was used by “the young kids in the street to shoot up” so today it remains locked.

After a call on his blackberry, Pete realised the oven was simply dead and the best solution was to buy a new one.

Next stop! Sam’s Appliances in Dulwich Hill.

We met store assistant ‘Sammy’, Pete called him the “annointed one”

Pete thought he would have it made at Sam’s Appliances as he gently cajoled ‘Sammy’ for a price discount.

“You know Christine, when you talk about a discount these Lebanese, they can’t hear”

“You know mate you are right, if I was Lebanese I’d be deaf. But I am from Brazil,” came Sammy’s reply.

We managed to get a stainless steel Westinghouse oven for $580 sweet ones. The next day Pete came over and installed it.

I wasn’t home that morning, instead I was having high tea at the Diana exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum. But my gorgeous flatmate Nicole told me he did a great job. And the finished work. Well judge for yourself. Pure class!

The oven insalled

Sam's appliances, 723 New Canterbury Rd, Dulwich Hill, 02 9558 5519

1 comment:

Syms Covington said...

looking forward to the new leadership post. you must be stoked. my housemate and i wore our 'it's time' tshirts to the polls yesterday. we met peter garrett who did the 'buddy jesus' thumbs up to us.