Sunday, November 25, 2007

And now come the celebrations!

After Kevin Rudd made his victory speech the cops arrived. Grinning like school boys they knew the reason behind our celebrations as they tapped on my door – covered in a Kevin Rudd poster. They saw a bunch of 30 somethings glued to the television. They knew their time was wasted and politely left.

Ok we may have been a little loud. But we have waited 11 long years for this fabulous moment – Labor taking 86 seats, Coalition 62 - Howard losing his own seat – icing on the cake. Trumped by not just a journalist but an ABC Journalist. Pure Gold.

We didn’t listen to Howard’s concession speech. Instead we sang loudly to The Angels’ love song 'Am I Ever Going to See Your Face Again?
Hopefully never! Enjoy the pics.

Penny and Alex arrive, Majella meets them at the door

Friends enjoy the electoral coverage

Majella and Kev

Alex declares victory, Kate laughs

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