Sunday, December 16, 2007

Train conversation with Tony

I worked with Tony when I was in the NSW public service 10 years ago. On Saturday night, I bumped into him on the train. It was 9:15pm and I was in high spirits, as I only had to wait 10 minutes for my train, which of course was the all stations train to Bankstown train.

Tony was also on his way home to Belmore. He had just been to a Spanish restaurant on Liverpool St.

How was your night Tony?

It was good. I just had Spanish. Had a nice potato, some beans, it was pretty good.

So are you excited about Rudd getting in?

I’ve always liked Labor because they are supposed to be for the people you know. So why has Rudd decided to get the army to take photographs of people killing whales. Can’t he just go to Centrelink and get a couple of unemployed people to sit on boats all day and take the pictures.

And what about Morris Dilemma. Does he annoy you folks?

Mate he’s just bloody dumb. But we never had a choice. It was either him or that bloke that went around in budgey smugglers all day.

After touching base with all the people that I had worked for in the Department of Energy I bid Tony farewell at Dulwich Hill station. He was a great bloke to work with. I liked him.

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