Sunday, December 23, 2007

The long night home

After our staff christmas party these Marrickville Princesses wanted to go home

Our staff christmas party was great. Lots of booze but little food. After the 10th glass of bubbly and a boogie with work colleagues, McDonalds was desperately needed. But who cares about calories, our concern now was getting home in the middle of a festive season.

Walking along George St, our desperation grew as cabs drove past, their lights dulled, not a vacant one in sight. Kate suggested we walked to the cab rank on Park St. I thought we may be able to take a train. Alas at Town Hall station, the last train out of Bankstown was gone.

Our hearts sank, as we spotted the cab rank - groups of people milling behind the queue. That didn't not deter Kate and Juli as they patiently took their place. Nic and I thought we'd try the 423 but that too had finished for the night. Suprisingly Kate and Juli moved up the queue. After a group packed into a maxi-cab, a taxi driver with a glassed eye asked as where we were heading.

Marrickville we said in unison.

"No problem. I'll take you there"

We followed him across the road, jumped into the cab and laughed in happiness. We were on our way home!

Merry Christmas everyone

Love the Marrickville Princess

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